ConleyDynamics.jl: A Julia package for multivector dynamics on Lefschetz complexes
- Thomas Wanner:
ConleyDynamics.jl: A Julia package for multivector dynamics on Lefschetz complexes
Software Package, 10.5281/zenodo.14248929, 2024.
This is a Julia package for studying combinatorial multivector fields using Conley theory. The multivector fields can be studied on arbitrary Lefschetz complexes, which include both simplicial and cubical complexes as important special cases. The concept of combinatorial multivector field generalizes Forman vector fields, which were originally introduced to study Morse theory in a discrete combinatorial setting. The package is part of the general Julia registry and can be installed in the same way as any other Julia package. Just type
using Pkg
using ConleyDynamics
at the Julia prompt.
The package source files can be accessed from my GitHub account at The extensive documentation, which is also available as a pdf document, can be found here. See also for an archived version. Please contact me with any comments and suggestions.
author = {Thomas Wanner},
title = {{C}onley{D}ynamics.jl: {A} {J}ulia package for multivector
dynamics on {L}efschetz complexes},
url = {},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.14248929}