General Policies and Procedures

Math 213-003

Fall 2023

Study Suggestion

While I realize that you have only a limited amount of time available for this class, the following strategy has proven very successful in studying for math classes, and I strongly advise its use: Prepare for the lecture by reading the scheduled section(s) in the textbook; even if you do not understand everything, you will have an overview of what to expect in class. At this point, you should review any section, which might be needed as background for the new material. Then attend the lecture and take your own notes. Afterwards, you should review the textbook and your notes as much as necessary to understand the material; test yourself by working out the examples in the text! If you still have problems, watch the relevant parts of the youtube video for the lecture. At this point, you are ready to do the homework problems for this section as a final test of your understanding. You should realize that this approach actually saves time over the whole semester, since it is easier to do homework problems right after studying the material, and thus reinforcing the lecture.

The purpose of homework is to reinforce concepts introduced in class. Mathematics can only be learned by applying these concepts yourself. Only as a secondary purpose is the homework designed to help your self-evaluation and to prepare you for the tests! Some of the homework problems will be collected and graded, but you should do also all of the additional homework problems and ask about those you have difficulty with.

Additional help is available in the Mathematics Tutoring Center, located in the Johnson Center room 344. Hours are posted on the Tutoring Center website.


There are three recitation sections for this course, and you must be enrolled in one of them. You are expected to attend recitations, where homework problems will be reviewed. This is your venue for asking any questions you might have about the additional homework problems and the course material. Please use it! Due to space constraints in the class room for the recitations, you have to attend the recitation that you are registered for.

Grading Policies

There will be two tests and one comprehensive final exam. See the syllabus for the dates and times, as well as the material covered by each of them. All tests and the final exam will be closed book. The use of calculators, cell phones, or smart watches is not allowed. No make-up tests will be given. If you miss a test due to a legitimate reason, the final exam will be used in its place. For this, you have to contact me immediately via e-mail, and provide documentation upon your return. If I do not hear from you before the exam starts, the exam will count zero points. Also, do not arrange to leave before the final exam and expect to take it early. Per university policy, the final exam has to be taken at the published time.

In addition to the exams, every week you have to complete homework assignments on Gradescope, which will be graded and count towards your homework score, as well as answer five multiple-choice review questions on Gradescope, which will be autograded. The homework assignments and review questions have listed due dates on Gradescope, as well as late due dates. If for some reason (connectivity issues, computer issues, etc.) you cannot turn an assignment in by the due date, it is enough to turn it in before the late due date. No points will be taken off in that case. However, there will be no assignment extensions beyond the late due date!

According to university policy, attempts at cheating are considered a serious offense against the student honor code and will be looked upon seriously. The right is reserved to check a picture identification during any of the exams, and you are required to have an ID with you during every exam.

Your final grade will be determined from your performance in the weekly review questions and homework assignments (some of the lowest scores will be dropped), the two tests, and the final exam. In addition, part of your grade will be determined by your recitation attendance and participation. Weights for the various items will be distributed approximately according to the following schedule:

Recitation Review Questions Homework Test 1 Test 2 Final exam
10% 10% 20% 20% 20% 20%

The assignment of your course grade is based on the total course score. The following grading scale may serve as a guideline, although changes are possible:

Score above 90% 80% 70% 60% otherwise
Letter grade A-, A, or A+ B-, B, or B+ C or C+ D F

Both the weight distribution and the grading scale are subject to change by announcement in class.