Elementary Differential Equations

Math 214-001 (Spring 2025)

This web page will be updated regularly and always contain the latest information on the course. This website is only for general policies concerning the course, as well as for continuously updated syllabus and additional homework information. For all other information on the course, including scanned lecture notes, graded homework assignments, etc. please go to Canvas.

Instructor: Thomas Wanner
  Office: Exploratory Hall 4404
  E-mail: twanner@gmu.edu
  Web Page: https://math.cos.gmu.edu/~wanner
  Office Hours: MW 1-2pm, and by appointment
Recitation Instructor: John Kent
  Office: Exploratory Hall 4311
  E-mail: jkent7@gmu.edu
Lectures: MW 3:00-4:15pm, David King Hall 1006
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Math 213
Textbook: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
by William Boyce, Richard DiPrima, and Douglas Meade (12th Edition, Wiley),
including access to WileyPLUS (for homework)
Recitation Sections: T 10:30am-11:20am (Section 301, CRN 14007),
T 11:30am-12:20pm (Section 302, CRN 14008),
T 12:30pm-1:20pm (Section 303, CRN 14009),
all in Peterson Hall 1113.

Important Notice

This course will be hosted on Canvas for the Spring 2025 semester. Please ensure you are familiar with accessing and navigating this platform. Resources and support are available at https://lms.gmu.edu/getting-started-students/ to help you get started. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me or contact the ITS Support Center for assistance.