Applied and Computational Topology

Math 689-001 (Spring 2025)

Detailed Syllabus

The following table contains the tentative schedule for the course. It will be updated regularly throughout the semester. The Pages column refers to the pages in the notes that are covered each week. Further book recommendations for additional reading can be found at the end of this page.

Week Dates Pages Book Sections
I. Introduction
1   01/21 - 01/24   1-12   1. Fixed Points and Homeomorphisms
  2. Algebraic Topology in Applications
2 01/27 - 01/31   13-28     3. Solving a Maze with Topology
  4. Homology of Graphs
II. Complexes
3 02/03 - 02/07 29-36   1. Simplicial Complexes
  2. Abstract Simplicial Complexes
4 02/10 - 02/14 37-42   3. Simplicial Maps and Approximations
02/12    No class! (Snow Day)
5 02/17 - 02/21 43-55   4. Homotopy Equivalence
  5. Convex Set Systems and Nerves
6 02/24 - 02/28 56-   6. Point Clouds and the Cech Complex
  7. Vietoris-Rips Complexes
  8. Delaunay Complexes
  9. Alpha Complexes
III. Homology
  1. Chain Complexes
  2. Homology of Chain Complexes
  3. Lefschetz Complexes
  4. Matrix Reduction
  5. Relative Homology
  6. Exact Sequences
8 03/10 - 03/14    No class! (Spring Break)
IV. Persistence
  1. Persistent Homology
  2. Computing Persistence
  3. Extended Persistence
  4. Stability Theorems
  5. Application to Pattern Formation
V. Combinatorial Topological Dynamics
  1. Discrete Morse Theory
  2. Multivector Fields
  3. Conley Theory
  4. Connection Matrices
  5. Application to Classical Dynamics
16   05/05   Student Presentations

In addition, the following books might be useful as secondary reading:

For information on Julia, please see the following books. All of them are available via the library’s ebook subscription.